Sol Physical Therapy


Physical and Occupational Therapy in Tucson

Why choose Sol?

We believe that every person has the innate ability to get the most out of their health in order to optimize performance and get back to the activities they love. At Sol, it is our vision that we provide the highest standard of care, including an unrivaled 45 minutes of one-on-one therapy time with our industry-leading practitioners.


If you are a new patient, you will need to fill out some paperwork before your appointment. Most of this can be done prior to your arrival, which will save you time in the check-in process. 

You can download the new patient paperwork to fill out prior to your arrival. 

We accept most major medical insurance plans, including Medicare, workers’ compensation, AHCCCS, cases involving motor vehicle accidents, as well as most commercial/PPO plans. If you have any questions, our wonderful front office will be happy to help out!

Referral requirements are determined by your insurance provider, but often times you do not need a referral. Our front office can verify your coverage benefits as a courtesy to you, and provide you that information prior to your appointment.

You can expect each visit to last about an hour, including an unrivaled 45 minutes of one-on-one time with one of our leading practitioners.

After your evaluation, you and your therapist will determine the number of times you will need to be seen. On average, we see patients 1 to 2 times per week for 4 to 8 weeks.

Conditions we treat include (but are not limited to):

  • Musculoskeletal conditions or injuries
  • Cervical, thoratic and lumbar pain
  • Gait and balance concerns
  • Post-concussive rehabilitation
  • Athletic pain and injuries
  • Post-operative rehabilitation
  • Sport-specific training and rehabilitation

We recommend you wear comfortable, athletic or loose-fitting clothing, such as a t-shirt, sweatpants or shorts. We also suggest wearing supportive sneakers or gym shoes.

Individuals of all ages with orthopedic injuries, balance concerns, pre-operative and post-operative issues, isolated pain or general weakness.

First carpometacarpal osteoarthritis (CMC OA), also known as basilar joint arthritis or thumb arthritis, is a degenerative joint disease that causes wear and tear to the cartilage of the thumb. CMC OA can lead to pain, stiffness, and reduced function with daily activities, including those requiring pinching.

Read the full article by Rachel Locke, OTR/L, CHT, C/NDT, Occupational Therapist and Certified Hand Therapist

In the News

“Sol was created when I noticed a change in the healthcare field: less time with patients, higher productivity standards, and less one-on-one patient-practitioner care. Our patients can expect unrivaled, one-on-one therapy time with our industry-leading practitioners.

“Our experienced therapists have unique backgrounds and training, with varying specialties, including certified hand therapy, pelvic floor therapy, pediatric therapy, and general orthopedics. We pride ourselves on employing the very best therapists in their field to provide the very best care for our patients.”

Read the full interview with Sol’s very own Alicia Allie, PT, DPT, CHT on Subkit.